
Eye was bored

Eagle Eye
Now it is no secret that I L-O-V-E Shia Labeouf so I was very excited to get out the theatre to catch his latest action flick (especially after renting Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the weekend before.....so terrible I can't even review it). However, Eagle Eye was such a tease. First of all you have this hot cast, Shia, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson (who actually showed us some serious acting chops) and Billy Bob Thorton. Second you start off with this completely paranoid action flick, Who is calling? Why? Why those people etc. . . I was really hooked immediately. I thought even in the beginning the action sequences were a little to harry carry for my tastes and left a lot to be desired but they were trying to be innovative. And then about half way or so through it just completely lets you down. You can't wait to find out who "it" is calling and why and everything else and then when they show you the big government secret you instantly are able to figure out the rest. Even when they try to throw in some other surprises towards the end you just don't even care because the buildup was way better than what was in truth behind it. I was horribly disappointed.
Eagle Eye was like the dating scene for me. It looks good, it sounds good in the sound bytes and previews but when you get seated and start getting to really know each other you have seen it all before and are just so disappointed.
I still will give Shia 2 of this movies 3 stars because I still adore him and he was still fabulous despite the flat lined plot line. Half a star for the buildup/action sequences, not my favorite but I do like to give credit for effort. The final half star awarded to Billy Bob Thorton for making his way back onto the big screen in a pretty decent role (I just think he never bounced back from Angie, poor guy) he was the comic relief and if given more plot to work on could have really knocked it out of the park.

Skip it while you can in theatres, rent it if you have to.

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