
God Damn Global Warming

The Happening.

Okay first and foremost this movie is SO much better if you have seen Andy Samberg's SNL sketch "Mark Wahlberg talks to Animals" and all of the responses from Mark Wahlberg it got. I honestly think that is the only reason this movie was enjoyable for me.
Other reasons to watch The Happening include:
Mark Wahlberg as a sexy science school teacher.
The first quarter maybe half of the movie is pretty suspenseful. Until you start realizing the plants are angry theory is probably true its quite interesting with the whole what the hell is happening??? thing going on (what happening...get it get it?!?!?)
Zooey Deschanel's eyes. Those things are mesmerizing, seriously.
Mark Wahlberg talking to a plastic plant
Mark Wahlberg going "Oh No" when he realizes what is going on. Priceless.

Other than that this movie still proves that M.Night Shamalan peaked with his first major success, the sixth sense. While he has give some decent stories and some good scares since then nothing has or will ever be as clever as that movie for him. Its just sad to realize that he doesn't realize it.

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