
Antics as Trite as the American Wedding Cliche.

Bride Wars.

I know this was supposed to be a killer sister comedy but it really just left me feeling sad. Emma and Liv are supposed best friends forever, something seemingly rare in the Western, right-here-right-now-every-man-and-woman-for-themselves mindset. Yet when the highly highly contrived situation that both their weddings are booked on the same day at the Plaza occurs, they have that all fall apart. What I found so disheartening about this situation is that the actors and the writers and everyone who agreed to this movie, found this trite look at weddings in America to be okay.

Now certainly I'll give consideration to the fact that this is supposed to be a comedy and therefor the limits for reality may be stretched for the laugh. Yet the fact that this situation may not be so far from reality for some grown women in our country is what made it almost disturbing to me. That women are willing to give up all notions of romance, their independence, they friendships, their money, their bodies, their sanity, their future marriage JUST for their wedding day is truly not funny. Especially if you look at the divorce rate side-by-side. Correlation? Perhaps. Perhaps it just simply was not that entertaining and gave me more time to come up with my conspiracy theories on life. Maybe we will never know.

Perfect for the lovers of cookie-cutter comedies or the wedding sap. Sub-par for anyone else.


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