
Luke Wilson's ability to only act well in independent movies.

Henry Poole is Here.

For some inexplicable reason there is an acting phenomena known as Luke Wilson. One half of the famous Wilson brothers he remains the most interesting half. Why is this?

Part of this may be in ability to stay out of the paparazzi headlights, something his better known brother Owen never manages to do. Still another is how this far more talented, wider ranged and more endearing (did I mention better looking?) brother manages to continually impress in lower notoriety gems like Henry Poole.

If I were to suggest an essential Luke Wilson performance, one that sums up his acting abilities the best, I would typically go with The Royal Tenenbaums. After watching Henry Poole is Here I would say it is not a tie. While I still recommend Tenenbaums as a movie there is something mystical about Poole. Wilson's typical schlepy, goofy, charm has been stripped away and replaced with something more sincere. Despite losing his trademark goof Wilson manages to create, in the character Henry Poole, a heart panging sorrow that is magnetic. Typically stories about terminal illness and giving up hope are sappy or depressing. Still Wilson keeps us intrigued in Poole. He keeps us alternating between feeling sorry for him, hoping for the best for him and thinking he's kind of a jerk, all things considered.

The general plot of this movie, that Poole's new house may or may not have the face of Jesus on the newly stuccoed walls. What the movie does that keeps it from being unwatchable is changes an idea that would turn most of the general population off from it is that it doesn't go for the belief in religion or God route but the belief in hope, faith, relationships with others and self. In this way the movie is heartwarming and endearing despite its at times heavy yet subtle subject matter. The supporting cast played their lot of strange neighbors perfectly and added to this quiet little film. I'm not sure if I feel like the ending really did the rest of the story justice but at the credits I was still smiling and glad I watched it so I will let that go.

The major issue I have with this movie is that it is has not been properly mainstreamed. Luke Wilson is this fantastic actor, as illustrated in this movie, yet I had barely heard of it before renting it. While Wilson has seen some fame in supporting mainstream roles (Anchorman, Legally Blonde) he has also had some terrible flops (My Super-Ex Girlfriend, Alex & Emma). Its unfortunate that this talent only has Old School and all of these other lesser known but far superior films to be known by. Hopefully though he will stick to what he knows best and continues to amaze in films like Henry Poole is Here.


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